護理勞動權益:雇主違反勞工法令與勞工被迫辭職【醫事法學教室】 試閱
Labor Right of Nursing Staff: Employer Breaking the Labor Laws and Employee Being Forced to Resign
Employee could terminate the contract without denunciation if the employer had broken the labor contract or the labor laws, causing damaging the rights of the employee possibly. Accordingly, they should terminate the contract within 30 days since knowing the facts mentioned above. A judgment would be introduced in this essay that the nursing staff argued that the employer had broken the labor laws, without fulfillment of the duties according to the norms for the labor safety and health, and terminated the labor contract with the employer. The legal issues in it were about the concepts like the employer breaking the labor contract or the labor laws, damaging the rights of the employee possibly and the preemption. These are the topics of this essay by introducing the judgment.