寧為老人,毋為身障?──福利身分與安置費用追償間的爭議分析【本期企劃】 試閱
Rather Be an Elderly Person than a Disabled? - Analysis of Disputes between Welfare Status and Recovery of Resettlement Expenses
In Taiwan, “Elderly Welfare Law” on the recovery of resettlement costs in Article 41 was significantly amended on May 29, 2019, giving local competent authorities the power to reduce or exempt elderly protection and resettlement costs. Regarding the placement of the physically and mentally handicapped in the “Security Law,” there has been no corresponding supporting measures so far, resulting in disputes between welfare status and the recovery of placement costs. This article takes the “Administrative Litigation Judgment of Taiwan New Taipei District Court No. 17 in 110 Years” as an example, considering the relevant meanings of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the United Nations Programme for the Elderly, and the Code of Ethics for Social Work, and argues that under the limitations of the existing system, if The resettled person has dual identities of the elderly and the physically and mentally handicapped at the same time. It is advisable to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the client and relatives. On the premise of the client’s self-determination, priority can be given to the elderly protection resettlement, so that there may be statutory reasons for exemption and no administrative enforcement. The case is given the opportunity for review in accordance with Article 41, Paragraph 5 of the Elderly Welfare Act.