電波拉皮手術和解案:和解契約之互相讓步與拋棄權利【學習式判解評析】 試閱
The Settlement in Thermage Facelift Dispute: Mutual Concessions and Waiver of Rights in Settlement Agreements
A female patient underwent an ultrasonic lifting procedure at a medical aesthetic clinic, resulting in second-degree facial burns, and sought recourse against the clinic. The patient and the clinic agreed that the clinic would compensate in cash and provide a half-year course of repair treatment, and left the rest for further coordination according to the outcome of the repair treatment. The patient felt that the effect of the clinic’s repair treatment did not meet the intended goal, so she filed a lawsuit against the clinic for full compensation, which the trial court rejected. This paper will examine the relevant elements of the settlement agreement in civil law one by one according to the agreement between the two parties and supplement this paper’s views on relevant topics that can be discussed in depth.