醫學倫理與法律課程於醫學教育的現況及與展望——以作者20年之教學實踐經驗為核心【一百期特別企劃】 試閱
The Current Status and Future Prospects of Medical Ethics and Law in Medical Education: Focusing on the Author's 20 Years of Teaching Practice Experience
This article reviews the author’s twenty years of teaching experience in the field of medical ethics and law education, focusing particularly on the evolution of teaching content, the application of diverse teaching methods, and the enhancement of student interaction and participation. The author’s teaching practice can be divided into three stages: from traditional lecture-based teaching, to scenario-oriented teaching models, and the current stage of sharing diverse expert experiences and interdisciplinary integration. Through these stages, this article demonstrates how teaching methods have transformed from singular to diversified, and how students have moved from passively receiving knowledge to actively participating and practicing. Finally, the article also explores the future directions and challenges faced by medical ethics and law education, emphasizing that medical or legal education must continually innovate teaching strategies to adapt to the rapidly changing medical environment.