欠缺識別能力時的病人自主決定權【醫事法學教室】 試閱
The Right of Self-Decision of the Patient Without Any Recognizing Ability
The legal issue in this case focuses on the problem whether the physician could take a medical care to the patient according to his condition but obey the opinions of the family. The court confirmed at first that the self-decision of the patient belongs to the right which is protected according to the paragraph 184 section 1 of Civil Law, then confirmed that the opinions of the family would be the speculative agreement which are worth to be taken into consideration, but couldn’t replace the right of self-decision of the patient eventually when the patient fell into a coma. At that moment, the physician shall take the speculative agreement based on the reasonable patient into consideration, and make a decision which will correspond with the best interest of the patient and the medical ethics.