關懷式調解提升醫療衝突管理效果之探討【實務講座】 試閱
Promoting Effect of Conflict Management in Healthcare through Caring Style Mediation
The use of conflict management in hospitals is yet to be developed in Taiwan. Conflict management can transform conflicts into positive results, improve the mental health of doctors, improve performance, reduce the occurrence of medical malpractices and their impact, and improve medical safety and quality. Caring style mediation includes conflict management concepts, narratives, and the concept of caring ideas, which can maximize the benefits of conflict management. It is recommended that Taiwan’s medical institutions introduce conflict management, especially care-based mediation, to deal with the increasingly serious medical personnel and conflicts between patients and their family members and medical personnel. In addition, medical personnel themselves can learn to care for mediation and can also protect themselves by reducing and eliminating the adverse consequences of conflict.