澳洲法院裁罰標示不實致誤導消費者的藥品製造商【醫事綜探】 試閱
Australian Courts Fine the Medicine Manufacturer of “Misleading Customers” Caused by Incorrectly Labeling
英國藥商Reckitt Benckiser旗下的一款止痛藥Nurofen因錯誤包裝誤導消費者,2016年4月被澳大利亞聯邦法院裁定罰鍰170萬澳元,但澳大利亞的消費者監管機構認為罰鍰太低,Reckitt Benckiser被進一步要求支付澳大利亞競爭和消費者委員會的法律費用。澳大利亞競爭和消費者委員會表示,該公司部分產品包裝與廣告誤導了消費者,其中一款產品Nurofen的電視廣告,暗示該膠囊針對頭部肌肉有直接療效。2017年4月澳大利亞聯邦法院裁定,Reckitt Benckiser應為誤導消費者的廣告支付罰鍰600萬澳元(約440萬美元)。
The UK manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser was fined A$1.7m for misleading customers by incorrectly labelling of the medicine in April 2016, but Australia’s consumer watchdog argued the sum was too low. Reckitt Benckiser was also ordered to pay the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) legal costs. The ACCC said the company had profited substantially from misleading customers on products. A TV advert for one of its products–Nurofen had implied that the capsules directly targeted muscles in the head. Australia’s Federal Court ruled in April 2017 that Reckitt Benckiser has been hit with an increased fine of A$6m (£3.6m; $4.4m) for misleading customers by incorrectly labelling of the medicine.