月旦醫事法報告 Angle Health Law Review
主題跨醫、護、公衛、醫療保險、食安、長照等領域動態新思維, 理論與實務的探討發展與解決方案。
- 編輯總顧問:陳聰富
- 總編輯:林萍章、吳志正
- 管制藥品仿單外使用爭議案:管制藥品仿單外使用與過失致死罪及販毒罪之關係【學習式判解評析】 An Issues about Off-Label-Use of Controlled Medicines: The Off-Label-Use of Controlled Drugs and Its Outsourcing in Hospitals: Medicine's Duty to Disclosure Negligence and Unlawful Sale of Controlled Drugs
- 管制藥品仿單外使用爭議案:牛奶針之愛與愁 —論醫師就管制藥品於「仿單外使用」之法律效果【學習式判解評析】 An Issue about Off-Label-Use of Controlled Medicines: The Popularity and the Worry of Propofol— On the Legal Effects of Off-Label Use of Controlled Substance by Physicians
- 改善精神疾病患者之安樂死管控:從比利時看安樂死的刑事法院判決(二)【全球瞭望】 Improving Control over Euthanasia of Persons with Psychiatric Illness: Lessons from the First Belgian Criminal Court Case Concerning Euthanasia(II)
- 轉移性癌症的追蹤觀察義務與因果關係【寰宇醫事裁判】 On Duty of Follow-Up and Observation of metastatic Cancer and its Causality
- 罕見疾病藥物納保審查機制與改革方向【月旦時論】 Challenges and Proposed Reforms for NHI Coverage of Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs in Taiwan
- 判決快遞【判決快遞】
- 企劃導讀
- 醫預法強制調解制度之侷限性與不自證己罪原則【本期企劃】 Prevention of Medical Incidence and Settlement of Disputes Act: Limitations of the Compulsory Mediation System and Privilege Against Self-Incrimination
- 醫療調解的法律層面特殊性探討【本期企劃】 Discussing the Legal Specificity of Medical Mediation
- 醫預法調解運作模式之探討—從臺中地院醫療調解經驗出發【本期企劃】 The Research about the Operation of Medical Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act Mediation-based on the Point of the Experiences from Taichung District Court's Medical Mediation