對外籍病人之說明義務履行【醫事法學教室】 試閱
The Performing of the Duty of Explanation to the Foreign Patient
A is a Vietnamese who works in Taiwan. Because of illness, the A had gone to the B’s hospital but the condition didn’t improve. The B arranged a back visit for the A, in order to exam further. Nevertheless, the A didn’t go back due to being unfamiliar with Chinese. A’s condition exacerbated as the result. Even though the physician has to explain the syndrome to the patient with the language which can be understood normally, it is still only a deficiency instead of a fault, when a foreign patient can’t understand the explanation of the physician. If necessary, a third party, whom the patient consents to arrange, could assist the physician by translating the explanation. Meanwhile, the patient has to evaluate his / her language ability, if he / she can understand what the physician explains or not. Furthermore, he / she shall tell the physician what he / she understood. So that the communication between the physician and the patient could be better. Moreover, the German judicial opinions have approved that the patient has cooperative duties during seeking medical advice, including being accompanied by whom is trustful, reacting immediately when the patient didn’t understand the explanations of the physician, and consenting to arrange a third party, who can translate the explanations.