月旦醫事法報告 Angle Health Law Review
主題跨醫、護、公衛、醫療保險、食安、長照等領域動態新思維, 理論與實務的探討發展與解決方案。
- 編輯總顧問:陳聰富
- 總編輯:林萍章、吳志正
- 法律與健康:減重政策與公共衛生法律措施探討【本期企劃】 Law and Health: Exploring Weight Reduction Policies and Public Health Legal Measures
- 專利新「纖」事——新興減重藥之專利有效性挑戰【本期企劃】 A Look at PTAB Validity Challenges Against GLP-1 Drug Patents
- 真能減肥 ?還是誇大效能 ?——從「減肥筆」案探討醫療廣告宣傳如何避免「誇大不實」【本期企劃】 “Can It Really Help with Weight Loss? Or is It Exaggerating Its Effectiveness?” —Exploring How Medical Advertising Can Avoid “Exaggeration and Misrepresentation” through the Case of the “Slimming Pen”
- 適應症外使用藥品——三個藥害救濟案例給我們的提醒【本期企劃】 Perspective on Off-Label Drug Use–Lessons from Three Drug-injury Relief Cases
- 家屬拒絕病患插管案:關於自主決定權為侵權客體【學習式判解評析】 Intubation Refusal by Patients' Family: Related with Self-Determination as the Object of Tort Liability
- 家屬拒絕病患插管案:從病人自主權至病人善終權【學習式判解評析】 Intubation Refusal by Patients' Family: From Autonomy of Patient to Patient's Right to Euthanasia
- 改善精神疾病患者之安樂死管控:從比利時看安樂死的刑事法院判決(三)【全球瞭望】 Improving Control over Euthanasia of Persons with Psychiatric Illness: Lessons from the First Belgian Criminal Court Case Concerning Euthanasia(III)
- 延長生命是一種損害 ?【寰宇醫事裁判】 Bundesverfassungsgericht, Beschluss von 7.4.2022–1 BvR 1187/19
- 護理勞動權益:特別休假之排定權【醫事法學教室】 Nursing Labor Rights: Right to Schedule Paid Leaves
- 淺談國民法官案件就複數精神鑑定之處理【醫法新論】 Multiple Psychiatric Expertise in Citizen Judges Case