月旦醫事法報告 Angle Health Law Review
主題跨醫、護、公衛、醫療保險、食安、長照等領域動態新思維, 理論與實務的探討發展與解決方案。
- 編輯總顧問:陳聰富
- 總編輯:林萍章、吳志正
- 預防不幸之文獻回顧:打擊青少年藥物過量產生毀滅性影響之方法【全球瞭望】 Burn by High-intensity Focused Ultrasound for Facelift: The Off-Label Use of Medical Device
- 胃癌術後第三天死亡判院方無過失【寰宇醫事裁判】 Hospital Found Not at Fault for Stomach Cancer Death on Third Day after Surgery
- 違反告知說明義務之醫療民事責任【醫事法學教室】 Civil Liability for Breach of the Duty to Inform in Medical Practice
- 告知義務與刑事不法——對過失犯審查應有的認知【醫事法學教室】 The Duty to Informed Consent and Criminal Liability: Understanding the Framework for Negligence Offenses
- 判決快遞【判決快遞】
- 企劃導讀
- 酒害防制法—臺灣的最後一哩路【本期企劃】 The Final Mile of Alcohol Harm Prevention in Taiwan
- 違法酒駕與行政罰之關係及重新領照之限制——兼評高雄高等行政法院110年度訴字第462號判決【本期企劃】 The Relationship between Illegal Drunk Driving and Administrative Penalties and the Restrictions on Re-Licensing-Commentary on the 2010 Kaohsiung High Administrative Court Judgment No. 462
- 酒吧對醉客及酒駕被害人之注意義務初探【本期企劃】 A Primary Study on Bars’ Duty of Care to Protect Intoxicated Patrons and Victims of Drunk Driving
- 刑事司法對於藥物輔助處遇的限制-美國身心障礙者法案如何促進法律與文化變遷【本期企劃】 Criminal Justice Restrictions on Medication: Assisted Treatment-How the Americans with Disabilities Act Contributes to Legal and Cultural Change