月旦醫事法報告 Angle Health Law Review
主題跨醫、護、公衛、醫療保險、食安、長照等領域動態新思維, 理論與實務的探討發展與解決方案。
- 編輯總顧問:陳聰富
- 總編輯:林萍章、吳志正
- 生成式AI於醫療領域之應用:規範與挑戰【月旦時論】 The Application of Generative AI in Healthcare: Regulations and Challenges
- 通訊診察治療芻議——由美國墮胎藥之實體診察(In-Person)要求改變談起【醫法新論】 A Discussion on Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications—Starting from the Changes in Face-To-Face Diagnosis and Treatment Requirements of Abortion Medication in the United States
- 判決快遞【判決快遞】
- 企劃導讀
- 同志電影輔導性侵少年案:心理師之注意義務與臨床專業裁量【本期企劃】 The Use of LGBT Films in Adolescent Victim-Turned Sex Offender Counseling: The Standard of Care and Professional Clinical Discretion of Psychologists Clinical Discretion of Psychologists
- 心理諮商與心理治療定義——心理師業務範圍之解釋與爭議【本期企劃】 Definition of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Interpretation and Controversy Regarding the Scope of Business of a Clinical Psychologist or Counseling Psychologist
- 心理師法中刑事責任之成立與極限——從心靈成長課程的態樣切入【本期企劃】 The Establishment and Limit of Criminal Liability in Psychologist Law-From the Perspective of Spiritual Growth Courses
- 探討使用通訊心理諮商之核准適法性【本期企劃】 Exploring the Legal Issues of Requiring Approval for the Use of Tele-Counseling
- 產前診斷錯誤案:醫療機構與檢驗機構之法律責任與損害賠償範圍【學習式判解評析】 Case of Prenatal Misdiagnosis: Legal Liability and Scope of Damages of Medical Institutions and Testing Laboratories-Civil Decision of the Supreme Court No. 206 of 2023
- 回顧與展望——澳洲自願協助死亡(VAD)立法沿革與未來法律改革【全球瞭望】 Looking Back to Look Forward—The History of VAD Laws in Australia and Future LawReform in the Australian Territories