月旦醫事法報告 Angle Health Law Review
主題跨醫、護、公衛、醫療保險、食安、長照等領域動態新思維, 理論與實務的探討發展與解決方案。
- 編輯總顧問:陳聰富
- 總編輯:林萍章、吳志正
- 偽裝精神障礙無法逃死【本期企劃】 Disguising a Mental Disorder Cannot Escape Death
- 精障犯罪者處遇制度與司法精神病院之設立【本期企劃】 The Treatment System for Criminals With Mental Disorders and the Establishment of Judicial Mental Hospitals
- 天差地別的境遇:墜入蛾摩拉城的精神障礙犯罪者【本期企劃】 From Heaven to Hell: Mentally Ill Offenders Fall into Gomorrah
- 怎麼做、怎麼說都是錯:精神衛生法強制住院制度對障礙者的歧視與人格否定【本期企劃】 It Goes Wrong No Matter How to Say or To Do: Discrimination and the Negation of the Personality of the People with Disabilities under the Compulsory Hospitalization According to Mental Health Act
- 人工智慧時代之心智能力立法:打開潘朵拉的魔法盒【全球瞭望】 Artificial Intelligence and Mental Capacity Legislation: Opening Pandora’s Modem
- 日本NPO仲介海外器官移植違反「臟器移植法」【寰宇醫事裁判】 A Nonprofit Organization Intermediating Foreign Organ Transplantation Against Human Organ Transplant Act
- 從「蘇丹紅」事件論我國輸入食品邊境管制之困境【月旦時論】 Challenges in Border Control of Food Imports in Taiwan: Reflections on the “Sudan Red” Incident
- 醫療機構委由保險業者提供關懷服務之妥適性【月旦時論】 Appropriateness for Healthcare Institutions to Delegate the Provision of Caring Services to Insurers
- 醫師不作為於醫療民事訴訟之評價【醫事法學教室】 Medical Negligence and Omission in Medical Civil Litigation
- 醫療過失的不純正不作為犯——再論保證人地位【醫事法學教室】 The Criminal Liability of Physicians in terms of Negligence and Omission: Discussion on the Position of Guarantor