共有 11 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 德國現行檢傷分類的規範倫理論證——以「即時成功預後」為中心【醫法新論】 A Normative Ethical Justification of Current Triage in Germany: Focus on the Immediate Success Prognosis |
詹朝欽(編譯) | 2023/08 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
2 | 論接種新冠疫苗的義務【全球瞭望】 The Duty to be Vaccinated Against COVID-19 |
Peter Schaber、詹朝欽(編譯) | 2022/02 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
3 | 拒絕接種新冠疫苗下的薪資續付【全球瞭望】 Continued Payment of Wages in case of Corona Infection after Refusal of Vaccination |
Dr. Jonas Krainbring、詹朝欽(編譯) | 2022/01 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
4 | 精神病院之保安監禁應以具積極確信為前提【寰宇醫事裁判】 The Accommodation in the psychiatric Hospital should be premised on a positive Ascertainment |
詹朝欽(編譯) | 2020/08 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
5 | 未婚父母訴請獨自承擔對其未成年子女的健康照護決定權【寰宇醫事裁判】 The Unmarried Parent Complained for Having Alone the Authority to the Health Care of Their Minor Child |
詹朝欽(編譯) | 2019/04 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
6 | 對當事人之一方不利之舉證責任倒置不得阻礙當事人其他的舉證機會【寰宇醫事裁判】 A Reverse Onus Which Was Disadvantage to One of the Parties Shall Not Prohibit Any Other Opportunity to Present an Evidence |
詹朝欽(編譯) | 2018/10 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
7 | 關於因侵入性治療所生雙腿或足部癱瘓風險的說明義務【寰宇醫事裁判】 The Range of Medical Explanations about the Medical Invasive Treatment which Leaded to the Risks of Palsy of Two Legs or Feet |
詹朝欽(編譯) | 2018/01 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
8 | 醫療廣告行為引起消費者對於醫療成效的錯誤期待即係不當【寰宇醫事裁判】 A Medical Advertising which Makes the Consumer to Have a Wrongful Impression of Medical Effect is Illegal |
詹朝欽(編譯) | 2017/11 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
9 | 病理診斷錯誤不必然就是重大醫療瑕疵【寰宇醫事裁判】 The Fault of Diagnosis in Pathology is Not Necessarily the Gross Medical Defect |
詹朝欽(編譯) | 2017/09 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
10 | 醫療行為違背治療時既存醫療標準即構成未注意【寰宇醫事裁判】 An Overruling of Present Medical Procedures is Disregard of Medical Rules |
詹朝欽(編譯) | 2017/03 | 月旦醫事法報告 |