
共有 32 筆符合條件的資料

序號 篇名 作者 日期 期刊
1 護理勞動權益:準備工作時間屬工作時間?【醫事法學教室】
Nursing Labor Rights: Does Preparatory Work Time belong to Working Hour ?
邱慧洳   2024/09  月旦醫事法報告
2 護理勞動權益:特別休假之排定權【醫事法學教室】
Nursing Labor Rights: Right to Schedule Paid Leaves
邱慧洳   2024/07  月旦醫事法報告
3 護理勞動權益:留任獎金之返還【醫事法學教室】
Rights of Labour of Nursing: Refund of the Retention Bonus
邱慧洳   2024/05  月旦醫事法報告
4 護理人力整備計畫十二項策略之鳥瞰與評析【月旦時論】
Overview and Analysis of the Twelve Strategies of the Nursing Manpower Preparation Plan
邱慧洳   2024/01  月旦醫事法報告
5 護病比對勞動權益、病人安全與護理過失之影響【本期企劃】
Effects of Nurse-patient Ratio on Labor Rights, Patient Safety and Nursing Negligence
邱慧洳   2023/08  月旦醫事法報告
6 護理師巡房案: 護病比一比二十八,如何每小時巡房?【學習式判解評析】
Case about Ward Rounding of the Nurse How Could a Nurse Round for Each Hour Insofar As 1 Nurse to 28 Patients
邱慧洳   2023/05  月旦醫事法報告
7 論民事過失之內涵、要件與標準——以積痰送醫案為例【醫事法學教室】
Case about Delivering to the Hospital Due to Accumulation of Phlegm: The Content, the Elements and the Standards of Civil Negligence
邱慧洳   2023/04  月旦醫事法報告
8 長照機構約束之法律議題【醫事法學教室】
On Legal Issues of Long-Term-Care-Organization in Respect of Restraint
邱慧洳   2023/02  月旦醫事法報告
9 護理勞動權益:年終獎金之法律性質【醫事法學教室】
Labor Right of Nursing: The Legal Nature of Year-end Bonuses
邱慧洳   2022/11  月旦醫事法報告
10 護理勞動權益:通勤災害是否屬職業災害?【醫事法學教室】
Nursing Labor Rights: Do Commuting Accidents belong to Occupational Accidents?
邱慧洳   2022/02  月旦醫事法報告
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