在憲法脈絡下強制就醫制度的重新檢視─兼論實務上可行的操作對策【本期企劃】 試閱
The Re-examination of the Compulsory Admission System for Psychiatric Patients from a Constitutional Perspective
The paper re-examines the compulsory admission system for psychiatric patients from a constitutional perspective, and tries to clarify its relations with the Mental Health Act, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Enforcement Law of the Convention, and Constitution. The compulsory admission system intervenes not only the personal liberty of the patients but more important, the autonomy rights of the patients. Furthermore, the paper discusses the direction of the Mental Health Act revision, in addition, how the judicial practices to construct a better operating procedure for the legal and medical field to communicate and cooperate together for the purpose of guaranteeing the rights of psychiatric patients.