月旦會計實務研究 Angle Accounting Magazine
- 評析臺灣人工智慧基本法草案──以AI之本質及產業影響為中心【本月企劃】
An Analysis on Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Fundamental Act (Draft), Focus on the Nature of AI & Potential Impact on the Industry - 人工智慧應用於司法文書之相關爭議及因應之道【本月企劃】
Response to Controversies over the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Documents - 運用AI技術於查核貨物稅——以飲料類廠商未辦理登記致逃漏稅為例【本月企劃】
Application of AI Technology in Auditing Commodity Tax: A Case Study of Beverage Manufacturers' Evasion Due to Failure to Register - 臺灣廠商遵守美國出口管制條例之合規建議──以受管制客體為中心【月旦時論】
Compliance with US Export Control Regulations: A Case Study of Taiwanese Companies and the Controlled Contents - 從文化永續觀點談博物館之轉型與影響力【月旦時論】
Research on the Transformation and Influence of Museums from the Perspective of Cultural Sustainability - 臺商撤出中國大陸的模式探討與建議(一)【執業進修】
A study on the Methods And Practices for Taiwanese Companies to Withdraw Operations from the People's Republic of China (I) - 品質管理準則及財務報表查核之品管課責性比較【公報釋讀】
Comparison of TWSQM and TWSA220 - 投保法下裁判解任董事制度──智慧財產及商業法院112年度商訴字第24號民事判決評析【學習式判解評析】
Removal of Company Directors under the Securities Investor and Futures Trader Protection Act: Comment on the Intellectual Property and CommercialCourt Civil Judgement No. 24 in 2023 - 有限公司股東意見不合得為聲請裁定解散事由?【函令解析】
- 以房與留房養老之資產配置探討【本月企劃】
How to Retire Smoothly? Manage Your Real Estate!