月旦會計實務研究 Angle Accounting Magazine
- 職務著作中關於有無約定著作人的爭議──最高法院111年度台上字第185號民事判決評析【學習式判解評析】
Dispute over the Existence of an Agreement on the Author of Works Made in the Course of Employment: A Brief Analysis of the Civil Judgment of Supreme Court (111) Tai-shang Tsu No. 185 - 中國大陸對賭協議之履行引發的個人所得稅退稅問題【國際經貿時論】
On the Individual Income Tax Problem Caused By Valuation Adjustment Mechanism in Mainland China - 買受人遲延給付之遲延利息不屬於銷售額【函令解析】
- 評析國土計畫法之管制機制【本月企劃】
A Analysis of the Control Regulation of the Spatial Planning Act - 國土計畫法對農地保護、使用降限補償及其變更回饋評析【本月企劃】
An Analysis of Spatial Planning Act on Agricultural Land Protection, Use Restriction Compensation and its Use Conversion Obligation - 論國土計畫法下的土地使用管制【本月企劃】
Land Use Control under the Spatial Planning Act - 無面額股研析【月旦時論】
The Study Regarding No Par Value Shares - 中國大陸預售屋抵押風險成因之法制研究(一)【月旦時論】
Legal Research on the Causes of Mortgage Risk of Pre-Sale Real Estate in Mainland China (I) - 建構文化影響力評估機制與永續發展之策進【執業進修】
Constructing a Cultural Influence / Impact Assessment Mechanism and Promoting Sustainable Development - 壽險業匯率風險──IAS 21會計處理、避險與外匯價格變動準備【公報釋讀】
Currency Risks: Accounting Treatment of IAS 21, Hedging and Foreign Foreign Exchange Valuation Reserves of Life Insurances